Event Producers Secrets Revealed:

5 Things YoU MUST knoW For A Hugely ProfitablE eVent!

If you want to host workshops, retreats, multi-day conferences, trade shows or even expos... 

This FREE 1-Hour Masterclass is for you!

In this free masterclass you will learn...

  • How to get rid of the risk of hosting an event! You'll know exactly how to turn a profit even BEFORE your event is live!
  • The TOP 3 ways to make money with events and why you MUST only choose one as your main goal (although your event will have many revenue streams).
  • Never fear of having an empty room again! April will show you exactly how to "Fill the Room," get those "Butts in Seats,"  "A$$ES in Classes"! 
  • Over 20 possible revenues streams for one event!
  • How to secure BIG name sponsorships that are willing to pay BIG money to be a part of your event!

Your host...

 April Iannazzone  

Award Winning Event Producer & Event Marketer

April has been producing events for the last seventeen years. Everything from bridal shows, to small workshops, retreats and even 5,000 person trade shows.

Currently April and her Growth & Profitability Team host more than 20 events per year for her companies.

When she first started hosting events, April learned the hard way that you can make $100,000s on a single event... BUT you can also lose $100,000s on a single event!  She has made every mistake possible, lost a ton of money, and also has experienced the embarrassment of an empty room! 

About 10 years ago April cracked code and now ONLY produces extremely profitable events.  In this masterclass she will be sharing her exact playbook with you!  

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